Sonntag, 5. Februar 2017

Harry Graham (15)

Ein Beitrag zur Völkerverständigung aus »Baby's Baedeker«:

Harry Graham: Ireland

The Irishman is never quite
   Contented with his little lot;
He's ever thirsting for a fight,
   A grievance he has always got;
And all his energy is bent
On trying not to pay his rent.

He lives upon a frugal fare,
   The few potatoes that he digs,
And hospitably loves to share
   His bedroom with his wife and pigs,
But cannot settle even here
And gets evicted once a year.

In order to amuse himself
   At any time when things are slack,
He takes his gun down from the shelf
   And shoots a landlord in the back;
If he is lucky in the chase
He may contrive to bag a brace.

Procure a grievance and a gun
And you can have no end of fun.

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